Cocoa agroforestry smallholder, Ucayali, Peru. Photo by Juan Carlos Huayllapuma/CIFOR-ICRAF

Closing Peru’s national restoration gap

Peru has pledged to restore 3.2 million hectares under Initiative 20x20, which it joined in 2014. Yet deforestation still accounts for 51% of the country's greenhouse gas emissions, threatening its vast forests and the biodiversity they harbour.

ProREST, the National Strategy for the Restoration of Ecosystems and Degraded Forest Lands, aims to bring 330,000 hectares of forest lands under restoration by 2030. Launched in 2021, the strategy lays out the country’s ecological, governance and capacity building goals to ensure that restoration initiatives deliver the expected results.

Landscape approaches are at the heart of ProREST. This is thanks in part to long-term research and engagement by CIFOR-ICRAF, which Peru's National Forest and Wild Fauna Service (SERFOR) recognized as a provider of evidence-based recommendations to guide the strategy.

“We have internalized this approach, taking into account that when we carry out restoration actions we should not only think about an area of land, but about the multiple uses that occur within it,” said Alberto Mamani, a specialist in ecological restoration at SERFOR.

“Having available publications and evidence-based recommendations to guide ProREST is very relevant. We have identified CIFOR-ICRAF as a key partner for this,” said Mamani, referring to the research and analysis generated by CIFOR-ICRAF leading up to and during the strategy development process, which began in 2016.

“Science is a key ingredient for implementing sound forest landscape restoration policy and practice, as much as is incorporating the views and aspirations of local communtities,” said Manuel Guariguata, CIFOR-ICRAF principal scientist who has conducted research on forest management and restoration in Peru for over 10 years.

A holistic, participatory approach to the strategy’s development was also key, as different actors involved in forest landscape restoration had the opportunity to share information and insights.

“This adds relevance and legitimacy to the execution of ProREST,” said Guariguata. “The strategy’s focus on learning and reflection is essential for the success of projects and programmes in different contexts.”

SERFOR foresees ongoing collaboration with CIFOR-ICRAF on research and restoration technologies, technical support, knowledge sharing, and documentation.

“Science is a key ingredient for implementing sound forest landscape restoration policy and practice, as much as is incorporating the views and aspirations of local communtities.”

Manuel Guariguata

CIFOR-ICRAF Principal Scientist

Harnessing the power of forests, trees and agroforestry


In 2021, as the Covid-19 pandemic started to turn a corner and new hope sprang from the launch of global initiatives on restoration and land use, CIFOR-ICRAF completed a successful three-year merger process, finishing the year with a project pipeline of USD 430 million and fully harmonized management, research and regional processes.

This report highlights some of our solutions to five global challenges: deforestation and biodiversity loss, climate change, dysfunctional food systems, unsustainable supply and value chains, and inequality. Achievements include informing national policies in Peru and Viet Nam, applying new technologies in the Congo Basin and India, and co-creating solutions with partners and communities in Indonesia and Cameroon – all while integrating considerations of the rights of women, Indigenous Peoples and local communities.

The Global Landscapes Forum (GLF) has reached over one billion people. The CGIAR Research Program on Forests, Trees and Agroforestry (FTA) wrapped up 10 years of impact. And Resilient Landscapes is fast becoming a nexus between science, business and finance, with projects starting in Papua New Guinea, Serbia and Brazil.

With the momentum of a combined 70 years’ experience, CIFOR-ICRAF is forging ahead with its valued partners, finding new ways to harness the transformative power of forests, trees and agroforestry for a more resilient future.