s:932:"%T Proceedings of a Multi-stakeholder Workshop in Solwezi, Zambia. Multi-stakeholder Workshop Report %A Kimaiyo, J. %A Kabwe, G. %A Masikati, P. %A Mtonga, E. %A Sikabbwele, K. %A Jere, I. %A Bwembya, S. %A Tanui, J. %A Kiptot, E. %A Hughes, K. %A Perelta, A. %X The workshop brought together multiple stakeholders interested in the selected value chains (Solwezi beans, soya beans and village chicken). The three value chains were selected based on a selection criteria endorsed by the local community where the project is being implemented. The aim of the workshop was to develop an understanding between stakeholders and bring on board those interested in jointly working together towards improving markets and household incomes. The workshop convened farmers, farmer associations, traders, processors, the private sector, financial institutions and government ministries operating in Solwezi district. ";