s:1477:"TI Forest Tenure Reforms in Nepal: Special Issue AU Paudel, N.S. AU Karki, R. AU Adhikary, A. AU Luintel, H.S. AU Banjade, M.R. AB This is a special issue of Forest and Livelihood on Forest Tenure Reforms in Nepal. Complete list of articles are:Banjade, M.R., Paudel, N.S. and Mwangi, E. 2017. Introduction: Political economy of forest tenure reform implementation in Nepal: Evolution, contestation, outcomes and challenges.Dahal, G.R., Pokharel, B.K, Khanal, D.R. and Pokhrel, P.R. 2017. Why Does Tenure Security Matter in Community Forestry? A Critical Reflection from Nepal.Dhungana, S.P., Satyal, P., Yadav, N.P. and Bhattarai, B. 2017. Collaborative Forest Management in Nepal: Tenure, Governance and Contestations.Ka ey, G.P. and Pokharel, K. 2017. Pro-poor Leasehold Forestry: A Community-based Tenure Regime in Nepal.Thing, S.J, and Poudel, S.P. 2017. Buffer Zone Community Forestry in Nepal: Examining Tenure and Management Outcomes.Gautam, A.P., Bhujel and Chhetri, R. 2017. Political Economy of Forest Tenure Reform Implementation in Nepal: The Case of Protected Forests.Singh, B.K. 2017. Land Tenure and Conservation in Chure.Acharya, D. and Baral, N.R. 2017.Neglected High Altitude Rangelands of Nepal: Need for Reform.Amatya, S.M. and Lamsalm P. 2017 Private Forests in Nepal: Status and Policy Analysis.Wagle, R., Oli, D., Sapkota, B., Aryal, S. and Prajapati, S.M. 2017. Feminist Institutionalist Interpretation of Forest Tenure Regimes in Nepal. ";