s:987:"TI The SIPKEBUN Working Group Multi-Stakeholder Forum: Central Kalimantan, Indonesia AU CIFOR AB Key messagesParticipants in the SIPKEBUN (Sistem Informasi dan Pemantauan Perkebunan Berkelanjutan) multistakeholder forum (MSF) consider its outcome, the SIPKEBUN database, an effective tool for revealing the general problems in the sustainable palm oil sector faced by smallholders and the Seruyan region in general.The participation of the regional government in the MSF’s decision-making processes strategically positioned this space to influence policies and regulations in the region, thus increasing its outcome’s effectiveness.The MSF’s effectiveness in achieving certifications from Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO) and the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), two prominent palm oil sustainability standards, for smallholder palm oil producers was constrained by the limited representation of the private sector and the absence of the farmers themselves. ";