s:875:"TI Amapá, Brazil AU Crisostomo, A.C. AU David, O. AU de los Rios, M. AU Stickler, C. AU Duchelle, A.E. AU Cromberg, M. AB Historically lowest deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon, with zero deforestation during Brazil’s REDD+ baseline period (1996-2005) – low priority of federal government & international donors for investments in REDD+ activities due to high forest/low deforestation (HFLD) status73% (~10 million ha) of state under protection (Conservation Units [UCs] or Indigenous Territories)Increasing production of soy for exportation in Cerrado biome (7% of state territory): 200% increase in area planted with soybeans from 2013-2016 (~150 km2 in 2016); projected to reach 4000 km2 by 2026Historically low pressure on forests creates opportunity for development of forest sector (e.g., sustainable timber exploration & extractive production) ";