The world’s ecosystems are in crisis. Deforestation and the degradation of land across the planet are accelerating climate change and biodiversity loss, harming livelihoods and putting humanity at risk. Join CIFOR-ICRAF over the coming weeks in this special series and learn how land restoration through transformative science and strong partnerships can lead to impactful solutions to address the global challenges of our time.


CIFOR-ICRAF is transforming lives and building resilient landscapes across the world. Learn more about how our innovative solutions, research and tools are creating sustainable farms and forests through stories of transformation.


A quarter of the earth’s land is degraded and mounting pressure to convert forests, mangroves and other intact landscapes into farmland results in the loss of 24 billion tonnes of fertile topsoil each year. This accelerated pace of degradation affects some 3.2 billion people through the loss of critical ecosystem services and contributes to climate change, inequality, loss of biodiversity, broken food systems and unsustainable supply chains.

CIFOR-ICRAF’s research and work on the ground across Asia, Africa and Latin America to rewet peatlands, monitor land health, collaborate with farmers is boosting the health and productivity of land and the livelihoods and wellbeing of the people in it. Working with partners, governments, land managers and many others, these evidence-based innovations are improving livelihoods and building resilient landscapes.


Why is natural regeneration an option for forest restoration?
Farmers restore Niger through natural regeneration



Each week, new material will be available from the dates below.

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Ecosystem protection and restoration are highly cost-effective climate change solutions.

Temasek Foundation supports Nature-based solutions (Nbs) as they protect, restore and manage our natural ecosystem. These solutions also help to reduce carbon emissions, benefit biodiversity and increase resilience of our local communities. When used together with other deep-tech solutions, they will help build future ready societies.

Be part of a growing movement of restoration champions around the world

Be part of a growing movement of restoration champions around the world