Upcoming Events

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Past Events

13 Jun 2024

Sustainable Bites: Innovating Low Emission Food Systems One Country at a Time

Room Bonn at the World Conference Center Bonn
14 – 15 Mar 2024

Science Policy Dialogue

Kempinski Fleuve Congo Hotel ,119 Bd Colonel Tshatshi, Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo
22 Feb 2024

Official launch: Online deforestation and carbon emissions platform for Brazil

In-person attendance is only open to invitees
20 Feb 2024

Blue Carbon Dialogue: From science-based policy to implementation

Global Forestry Hall, CIFOR, Bogor and online
19 Dec 2023

Ciencia y políticas públicas para mitigar la deforestación y el cambio climático

8:30 a. m. a 5:00 p. m. Sala 7AB, Centro de convenciones NOS, Av. Camino Real 1037, San Isidro, Lima, Perú
17 Oct 2023

REDD+ finance and benefit-sharing in Democratic Republic of Congo: Opportunities and challenges

Hybrid, Monekosso Conference Room, University of Kinshasa

Further info


Michael Dougherty

Communications, Outreach and Engagement

Budhy Kristanty

Indonesia Communications Officer Bogor, Indonesia