Global database of REDD+ and other forest carbon projects

Global database of REDD+ and other forest carbon projects

CIFOR’s global database of REDD+ and other forest carbon projects was available online from 2010 to 2017 as a product of the Global Comparative Study on REDD+ (GCS-REDD+).  It was compiled by researchers based at CIFOR and the Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources at North Carolina State University, based on information collected between July 2009 and December 2010, and updated in 2012. This catalog was removed from CIFOR’s website because it was outdated. Data is still available in the archives of CIFOR.

Meta-catalog of information on REDD+ and other forest carbon projects worldwide

The table below contains links to and describes the content of online portals that maintain lists of REDD+ and other forest carbon projects.

Name – authorShort descriptionKeywordsLogosLink
Forest Carbon Portal – by Forest Trends.List of more than 200 operational forest carbon projects worldwide. Summary information provided by project proponents.Map;
Projects datasheets;
Climate, Community and Biodiversity Alliance (CCBA)List of forest carbon projects worldwide that are certified or in the process of certification under the Climate, Community & Biodiversity Standards. Detailed information available in certification reports.
Regularly updated.
Certification reports; Worldwide;
Verified Carbon Standard (VCS)List of forest carbon projects worldwide that are certified or in the process of certification under the Verified Carbon Standard. Detailed information available in certification reports.
Regularly updated.
Certification reports; Worldwide;
Plan VivoList of community-based forest carbon projects in developing countries that are certified or in the process of certification under the Plan Vivo Standard. Detailed information available in certification reports.
Regularly updated.
Certification reports; Developing countries;
Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)List of forest carbon projects (afforestation/reforestation only) worldwide that are certified or in the process of certification under the Clean Development Mechanism standard of the UNFCCC. Detailed information available in certification reports. Information on the transactions of CDM carbon credits also available.
Regularly updated.
Certification reports;
Carbon registries;
Gold StandardList of forest carbon projects worldwide that are certified or in the process of certification under the Gold Standard. Detailed description of the projects.
Regularly updated.
Certification reports;
Code REDDList of 11 REDD+ projects certified by VCS and CCBA. Information on project impacts on endangered animals and plants, economic development, education and water.
Regularly updated.
Projects datasheets;
Developing countries;
International Database on REDD+ projects linking Economic, Carbon and Communities data (ID-RECCO) – by Climate Economics Chair, CIRAD and IFRI.List of 454 REDD+ projects (of which 344 were identified as active as of September 2016, 67 were completed before 2016 and 43 have not been implemented yet or have been discontinued), located in 56 countries. Up to 110 variables per project and possibility to download data.
Last update: September 2016.
Projects datasheets;
Download data;
Developing countries;
The REDD desk – by Global Canopy ProgrammeInformation and analysis on REDD+ readiness in 29 tropical forest countries, at both national and sub-national levels.
Last update: August 2015.
Projects datasheets;
Developing countries;
IGES REDD+ Online database – by Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES)List of 15 REDD+ projects, with detailed information on carbon, biodiversity and community monitoring. Possibility to download data.
Last upda te: March 2015.
Projects datasheets;
Download data;
Developing countries;
APXInformation on the transactions of REDD+ and other carbon credits.
Regularly updated.
Carbon registries;
MarkitInformation on the transactions of REDD+ and other carbon credits.
Regularly updated.
Carbon registries;
Casebook of REDD Projects in Latin America – by Forest Trends (2009)Description of 17 REDD projects at advanced stages of implementation in Latin America.
Published in 2009.
Developing countries;
World Bank Carbon Finance UnitProject summaries and project documents for signed projects under Emission Reductions Purchase Agreements (ERPA).
Regularly updated.
Projects datasheets;
Community Participation and Benefits in REDD+: A
Review of Initial Outcomes and Lessons -by Lawlor et
al. (2013)
Research article comparing the initial outcomes of 41 REDD+ projects in terms of community participation and benefits.
Published in 2013.
Developing countries;
Bringing forest carbon to market – by Chenost et al. (2010)Analysis of forest carbon projects worldwide and detailed information on 5 case studies.
Published in 2010.
State of the forest carbon markets – by Ecosystem marketplaceAnnual reports on the state of forest carbon markets. Available from 2009 to 2016.Publication;

How can I contribute to this meta-catalog?
To suggest other portals or websites that should be included in this list, please contact Pham Thu Thuy, Team Leader, Climate Change, Energy & Low-Carbon Development: