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Deforestation and industrial plantations development in Borneo

The dataset reveals forty-two years (1973-2015) of forest degradation by the logging industry, and conversion to industrial oil palm and pulpwood plantations in Borneo, shared by Indonesia, Malaysia, and Brunei. To view the data online, please visit: Atlas of deforestation and industrial plantations in Borneo. For more information on results, discussions, methods used, definitions and caveats, readers should consult this scientific publication: Gaveau et al. (2016) Rapid conversions and avoided deforestation: examining four decades of industrial plantation expansion in Borneo. Scientific Reports and Gaveau et al. (2014) Four decades of forest persistence, clearance and logging on Borneo. Plos One

Dataset's Files

MD5: 80ddd959e71870fd2a743cd4a87c27a9
In Borneo, ‘Forest’ are areas that area mainly composed of closed-canopy (>90% cover) evergreen Dipterocarps. In some highland regions, ‘Forest’ may also include Kerangas and in coastal areas, mangroves. ‘Intact Forest‘ include pristine old-growth forests, i.e. forests that have never been disturbed by humans, or for which disturbances were too localized to be detected by satellites. ‘Logged Forest‘ are areas of old-growth forest that have been impacted by industrial-scale mechanized selective logging at some point since 1973. They have lost their original structure, but have remained in good condition and regenerate quickly. ‘Regrowth Forest’ are areas of forest that were likely young regrowth in 1973 and resemble old-growth forest in 2015. In 1973, before extractive industries began, forests were mainly Intact (old-growth). ‘Forest’ excludes young forest regrowth, scrublands, tree plantations, agricultural land, and non-vegetated areas. The latter are clumped into ‘Non-Forest’. Method: To map 1973 forest area we analyzed 61 LANDSAT MSS satellite images acquired during the 1970s and spanning the whole Borneo.

Gaveau, D.L.A. ; Salim, M. ; Arjasakusuma, S.

Publication date




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