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CIFOR–ICRAF publishes over 750 publications every year on agroforestry, forests and climate change, landscape restoration, rights, forest policy and much more – in multiple languages.

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Map of mountain peatlands in Ecuador

This map shows wetland and peatland type and extent of mountainous regions on Ecuador. Multi-date, multi-sensor radar and optical imagery (Landsat TM/PALSAR/RADARSAT-1/SRTM DEM-TPI) combined with field validation were used to create the classified maps.

Dataset's Files

Peatland land cover-Paramo-2017.7z
MD5: 8e65a7f6992af0a630121d7ed455a2bf
Class Descriptions Agriculture/pasture - Land used for production of food or fiber (corn, potatoes, or other cropland); land use distinguishes agricultural land from similar natural ecosystem types (i.e., wetlands). Barren - Land with limited ability to support life. Contains less than 33% vegetation cover. May include thinly dispersed scrubby vegetation. Includes bare rock, quarries, gravel pits, and transitional areas. Developed - Areas where the manmade structures (buildings, towns, etc.) have >75% coverage. Primarily residential areas where manmade structures (i.e., buildings and farm equipment) are present, with less than or equal to 25% vegetation (trees, shrubs, and grass) interspersed. Cushion Peatland - Poorly drained areas clearly dominated by conspicuous cushion and matt-forming species (Distichia spp., Plantago rigida, Disterigma empetrifolium, and Oreobolus ecuadoriensis). Cushion plants usually <50 cm tall. Grass Peatland - Poorly drained areas structurally dominated by a matrix of grasses (Cortaderia sericantha, Cortaderia nitida, and Festuca spp.). A sparse layer of shrubs (e.g., Loricaria sp, and Hypericum lancioides) and a rich herb layer (e.g., Niphogeton sp., Huperzia spp., Gunnera maguellanica, and Hypochaeris spp.) might be present. Sedge Peatland - Poorly drained areas dominated by a dense matrix of several species of Cyperaceae (e.g., Carex spp., Uncinia, spp., and Eleocharis spp.). A sparse layer of herbs and mosses might be present (e.g., Niphogeton sp. and Gunnera maguellanica,) Shrub - Nonwetland vegetation dominated by true shrubs, immature trees, or stunted growth trees/shrubs (e.g., Polylepis spp., Gynoxys, spp., Buddleja spp., and Baccharis spp.). Characterized by woody vegetation with a height <6 m. Tussock grassland- Nonwetland vegetation (woody or herbaceous) under 2 m in height. A dense matrix of tussock grasses (e.g., Calamagrostis spp. andFestuca spp.), enclosing a rich layer of shrubs (e.g., Pentacalia spp., Diplostephium spp., Hypericum spp., and Gynoxis spp.) and herbs (Gentianella spp., Senecio spp., Huperzia spp., and Oritophium peruvianum). Water - Streams, canals, rivers, lakes, reservoirs, and impoundments. Areas persistently inundated by water that do not typically showannual drying out or vegetation growth at or above the water’s surface. Depth of water column is >2 m, such that light attenuation increases significantly and surface and subsurface aquatic vegetation persistence declines or is less detectable. Snow - Land covered by snow

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