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The way ahead for the domestication and use of indigenous fruit trees from the miombo in southern Africa: proceedings of a workshop held at Sun & Sand, Mangochi, Malawi, 27-28 February 2001.

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The project phase I of the ''domestication of indegenous fruit trees of Miombo woodlands of Southern Africa'', currently being implemented by ICRAF (International Center for Research on Agroforestry), started in October 1997 with a no-cost extension till June 2001.As the phase I of project is drawing to an end, a project review was commissioned by BMZ in February 2001 and a proposal for second phase is prepared.A two-day workshop organized by ICRAF and supported by BMZ, involving representatives of key stake holders was coverned at sun 'n' stands, Mangochi/Malawi between February 26 th and march 1st 2001 to plan the way forward for work in indigenous fruit trees in the region.This report summerizes the proceedings and outputs of this workshop.
    Publication year



    Boehringer A; Akinifesi F K




    fruit trees, indigenous varieties, planning, trees, woodlands

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