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Governing mangroves: unique challenges for managing Indonesia's coastal forests

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This report provides an analysis of the governance and tenure dimensions of managing coastal mangrove forests in Indonesia. It is part of a broader study that includes a global review and a national-level study of mangrove governance and tenure in Tanzania focusing on the Rufiji delta. The report analyzes national-level legal and institutional frameworks to provide an indication of how different sectoral regulations address mangrove governance and tenure and how varied government authorities implement them. In addition, the report analyzes mangrove management in practice, especially governance and institutional arrangements at the local level, to better understand how these arrangements function and ultimately how they influence mangrove resources. We highlight the experiences of three villages in Lampung province, which gives us rich insight into the local-level dynamics of mangrove management within different types of tenure arrangements over mangrove forests.
    Publication year



    Banjade, M.R.; Liswanti, N.; Herawati, T.; Mwangi, E.




    mangroves, governance, coastal areas, forest management, mangrove forest, environmental policy, conservation



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