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Preliminary Reflections on the Nexus between Food Systems and Climate Change Responses in Central Africa

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This study analyses the importance of understanding the nexus between food systems and climate change responses in Central Africa. Despite the diversity of agriculture in the region, climate-related challenges such as changing rainfall patterns and increasing natural disasters significantly impact food production and distribution. Climate change responses in the region have focused on improving food systems, including developing climate-resilient crops and agricultural practices, as well as local food storage and distribution systems. These efforts are essential to increasing the resilience of Central African food systems and addressing broader climate change mitigation and adaptation goals. However, significant challenges exist in ensuring that such responses are effectively implemented. These challenges include broader systemic issues related to governance, infrastructure, and trade. Additionally, it is crucial to ensure that climate change responses consider the unique perspectives of different groups within society, such as female farmers and indigenous peoples. Warning systems for food security and basic climate information services are still at an early stage. This study aims to address these challenges by synthesising and analysing the existing literature. Ultimately, the goal is to better understand and address the nexus between food systems and climate change responses in Central Africa.

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