
CIFOR–ICRAF publishes over 750 publications every year on agroforestry, forests and climate change, landscape restoration, rights, forest policy and much more – in multiple languages.

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Tropical floodplain agroforestry systems in mid-Orinoco River Basin, Venezuela.

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Agricultural studies in seasonally flooded areas in the tropics have been limited. Orinoco alluvial soils are more fertile than adjacent non-flooded soils and have been considered as potential areas for further agricultural development. Traditional agroforestry practices offer some possibilities to overcome the most limiting factors of floodplain cultivation. Indigenous knowledge of these traditional agroforestry practices was assessed and some indicators of the system's nitrogen and biomass dynamics were monitored. Nitrogen inputs by sediment and plant residues were 1668 and 47 kg ha−1 respectively. Traditional selection of sediment by tree-and-grass barriers and litter management strategies increase nutrient-use efficiency in floodplain agroecosystems.

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