
CIFOR–ICRAF publishes over 750 publications every year on agroforestry, forests and climate change, landscape restoration, rights, forest policy and much more – in multiple languages.

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The Lalembuu Village Cluster, Konawe Selatan District, Southeast Sulawesi Province

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This profile of the Lalembuu cluster is intended to provide a comprehensive overview of a group of villages/wards (kelurahan) consisting of the villages of Atari Indah Lambodi Jaya and Padaleuu and the wardof Atari Jaya in Konawe Selatan District Southeast Sulawesi Province Indonesia. This profile was formulated from participatory research conducted with members of local communities and representatives of local government institutions through separate focus?group discussions consisting of male and female informants respectively. In addition a desk?based analysis of secondary data was conducted. This profile includes a demographic profile and a description of general conditions; of land use and changes to land use; of biodiversity; of sources of water and issues affecting these sources; and of farming systems. It also includes a Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities and Threats analysis. This information is intended to serve as input for planning measures to achieve environmental conservation and to improve community livelihoods on the basis of the sustainable use of forest resources and agroforestry systems.

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