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Further guidance for REDD+ safeguard information systems?

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We analyzed submissions to the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) from Parties and Observer Organizations on two issues: (i) party and observer positions on inclusion of further guidance on REDD+ safeguard information systems (SIS); and (ii) developing country Party experiences and lessons learned from SIS development. We also carried out a brief survey among REDD+ negotiators. The major findings are summarized as follows:
  • Some Parties are against the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) providing further guidance on SIS, but the majority of submissions and survey respondents favor further guidance.
  • Some Parties express concern about the potential trade-offs between further guidance and the promotion of country-driven approaches and national sovereignty.
  • Submissions both in favor of and against further guidance emphasize the need to minimize the burden of creation of and reporting on SIS.
  • While developed country Party submissions emphasize the need for SIS to demonstrate adequate governance and safeguard implementation, civil society organizations highlighted issues around equity and participation of local people in the process.
  • The contrasting views suggest that a viable compromise to move the safeguarding work forward could be to produce guidance on how to develop a country-driven approach.


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