Integrating Socioeconomic Suitability and Impacts into Forest Restoration Planning: se.plan an FAO Open Foris SEPAL Decision Support Tool
se.plan is a spatially explicit online tool designed to support forest restoration planning decisions by restoration stakeholders. It is a tool available in SEPAL (System for Earth Observation Data Access, Processing and Analysis for Land Monitoring), a component of FAO’s free and open-source software suite, Open Foris. It has been developed collaboratively by the Forestry Division at FAO, the Spatial Informatics Group (SIG), SilvaCarbon, NASA SERVIR, and researchers at Peking University and Duke University.
se.plan combines ecological data related to forest restoration with data on its benefits, costs, and risks. It is intended to support the preparation of strategic restoration plans for a given region by providing improved, spatially explicit information on restoration suitability and impacts. The tool aims to aid decision makers in identifying cost-effective restoration locations, while identifying potential trade-offs among impacts that might require further attention. The tool facilitates the creation of maps and related information most relevant to the user’s restoration region and objectives, through a user-friendly dashboard.