CIFOR-ICRAF aborda desafios e oportunidades locais ao mesmo tempo em que oferece soluções para problemas globais para florestas, paisagens, pessoas e o planeta.

Fornecemos evidências e soluções acionáveis ​​para transformer a forma como a terra é usada e como os alimentos são produzidos: conservando e restaurando ecossistemas, respondendo ao clima global, desnutrição, biodiversidade e crises de desertificação. Em suma, melhorar a vida das pessoas.

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Jelajahi acara-acara mendatang dan yang telah lalu di lintas global dan daring, baik itu diselenggarakan oleh CIFOR-ICRAF atau dihadiri para peneliti kami.

O CIFOR-ICRAF publica mais de 750 publicações todos os anos sobre agrossilvicultura, florestas e mudanças climáticas, restauração de paisagens, direitos, política florestal e muito mais – em vários idiomas..

CIFOR-ICRAF aborda desafios e oportunidades locais ao mesmo tempo em que oferece soluções para problemas globais para florestas, paisagens, pessoas e o planeta.

Fornecemos evidências e soluções acionáveis ​​para transformer a forma como a terra é usada e como os alimentos são produzidos: conservando e restaurando ecossistemas, respondendo ao clima global, desnutrição, biodiversidade e crises de desertificação. Em suma, melhorar a vida das pessoas.

CIFOR–ICRAF publishes over 750 publications every year on agroforestry, forests and climate change, landscape restoration, rights, forest policy and much more – in multiple languages.

CIFOR–ICRAF addresses local challenges and opportunities while providing solutions to global problems for forests, landscapes, people and the planet.

We deliver actionable evidence and solutions to transform how land is used and how food is produced: conserving and restoring ecosystems, responding to the global climate, malnutrition, biodiversity and desertification crises. In short, improving people’s lives.

Tangu Tumeo

Tangu Tumeo is a forester by profession. As a growing Forest and Landscape Restoration (FLR) expert, Tangu has come to appreciate the importance of managing trees and forests as part of an ecosystem for increased and multiple benefits to communities. She has 13 years’ experience working with government in the Department of Forestry coordinating projects on sustainable forest management and nexus between energy and environment.

In her role as Malawi’s Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR) Focal Point, she facilitated the national Forest Landscape Restoration opportunities assessment and implementation strategy development in 2017. Together with technical partners, she facilitated the development of a Forest Landscape Restoration monitoring framework in 2018. Currently, she is a senior programme officer for IUCN supporting the Ministry of Forestry and Natural Resources together with other government agencies integrate the landscape restoration and implementation of the National Charcoal Strategy into government planning, project development and implementation.

Since 2016, she has been representing Malawi at international conferences where she has shared the progress Malawi is making towards achieving the 4.5 million hectares for restoration and land degradation neutrality. She has also managed to lobby for funding to initiate implementation of the National Forest Landscape Restoration Strategy both locally and internationally.